Frequently Asked Questions

What happens If I cancel my paid subscription?

Your account will become a free account. That means you can no longer create new images if you exceed your quota.

If the service doesn't match my needs, can I cancel my subscription?

Yes! Your subscription can be canceled at any time through your account settings.

How can I change my subscription?

Your subscription can be upgraded and downgraded at any given time through your account settings.

Is SocialSplash free to use?

SocialSplash provides a free plan with some limitations that are sufficient for any given usage. No credit card is required. From this plan, you can upgrade to any of the paying plans at any time.

I have specific needs, can you provide a more advanced solution for my business?

Sure! If our current solutions do not match your specific needs, you can contact us by e-mail at so we can talk about it. We're very open to feedbacks and edge cases, so do not hesitate!

Do you store my credit card information?

No! We rely on the payment provider Stripe. Your data is kept in a very secure space at Stripe, we never get the hands over your credit card information.

Can I upgrade my free plan to a paid plan later?

Yes! You can upgrade and downgrade your subscription at any time through your account settings.

Can I pay per year?

Yes! By paying your subscription yearly, you save up to 30%!